Sunday, February 26, 2012

Presentation Project- American Farmland Trust

Welcome to my presentation post!

I did my presentation on the American Farmland Trust. After going through information, and reading up on the organization, I realized that they are fighting for a very important cause that most might not know about.

Reviewing my presentation did not go as well as I had hoped. I thought I did a great job, without any mistakes, but I was wrong. My intro did not really jump out and grab a hold of the listener. It was informational, but not flashy. I tried to answer different questions, and some background about the organization in my presentation, which I feel that I did a good job of. With a time constraint of 2-3 minutes, it felt like things were left out that there wasn't enough time for. I would have liked about 5-6 minutes to fully get my points across, but that was the point of the speech.

All of the claims that I made during my presentation were completely factual. I am the kind of person that requires factual information to get my points across. I also tried to validate the claims about farmland loss, but probably could have had more information to solidify that area. Again, more time could have allowed more information.

One large problem that I noticed after reviewing my project was reading from slides. I did not preview the slide before I showed it. This seemed to be hard to do without boring the viewer in my eyes. I feel like if I were to tell what my slides were about before I showed them, there would not have been enough time for the viewer to read over them and absorb the information on the slides.

Overall I felt like this was a good learning experience. I was able to read up on an organization that I feel very strongly about, and improve my presentation skills. Here is the link to my video presentation, I hope you enjoy!

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